Partner Timothy Feighery Analyzes Prospects for Settlement of US Claims Against Cuba As Steps Continue Towards Normalization

Arent Fox Partner Timothy Feighery spoke with CubaStandard recently for a special feature titled, “As normalization talks proceed, eyes turn towards US claims.”

He addressed new concerns that have developed as US-Cuba relations continue to adjust regarding the satisfaction  of registered US claims against Cuba.

Drawing from his experience as former chairman of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission and head of Arent Fox’s International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution practice, Timothy discusses options for settling US claims against Cuba.

“From my experience working on the UN Compensation Commission – established to resolve claims arising out of Iraq’s 1990 invasion and occupation of Kuwait – I believe that for most of the corporate claimants against Cuba, market access is more significant than a lump sum payment of compensation,” he said. 

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