Three Pro Bono Wins for Military Veteran Clients
Schiff Hardin LLP is pleased to announce three pro bono client successes, resulting from the firm’s partnership with the Veterans Pro Bono Consortium.
Partner Mir Ali achieved a successful outcome for a veteran client who had been denied disability compensation benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Mir successfully appealed his client’s case and obtained disability compensation benefits backdated to 2013, the year of his initial application, and his client will continue to receive the benefits for the rest of his life.
Tracy Adamovich achieved a successful outcome for a veteran client who had been denied service-connected disability benefits for a back injury he suffered while enlisted in the U.S. Army. After a successful appeal, her client obtained disability compensation benefits, including retroactive payments.
Sonul Rao is representing a veteran client in an appeal of a denial of benefits for her client’s illness that resulted from his exposure to toxins during service in Vietnam. Sony completed the client’s briefing before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, arguing that he should be provided an earlier effective date for his Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia based on prior claims he filed while unrepresented. If successful, Sony’s client would have the opportunity to obtain retroactive disability compensation benefits dating back as far as 2008.
Courtney Thompson, Marketing Communications Manager
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