William G. Stroupe II
William advises clients on various international trade and investment issues, including trade remedies and CFIUS matters.

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William’s practice focuses on trade remedy proceedings, including antidumping and countervailing duty proceedings before the US Department of Commerce and the US International Trade Commission, CBP Enforce and Protect Act (EAPA) investigations, and related litigation before US Courts. His practice also focuses on investment security, including matters involving the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), the US Treasury Department’s new outbound investment program, and Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act (AFIDA) filings.
William also has experience advising clients on sanctions issues, forced labor supply chain audits, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) matters, and international arbitration proceedings.
Prior to joining ArentFox Schiff, William served as a senior attorney in the Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce at the US Department of Commerce. His work focused on CFIUS and outbound investment security, anti-corruption, sanctions, financial services, export finance, and appellate litigation issues. He also covered issues relating to North and Central America (including USMCA) and Russia, Ukraine, and Central Asia. He also spent several years at another firm where he represented sovereigns and private investors in complex, high-stakes Investor-State Dispute Settlement proceedings before ICSID and other major arbitral fora, as well as in ad hoc proceedings under the UNCITRAL rules.
He holds Masters degrees in International Commerce and French Literature.
Life Beyond the Law
Outside of work, William enjoys cooking, traveling, and singing with the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington.
Georgetown University Law Center, JD, cum laude, 2017University of Kentucky, MA, 2014Yale University, BA, 2010