
4493 total results. Page 82 of 180.

Tal M. Unrad, James E. Britton

The recently-passed Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the “CAA”) augments the CARES Act by expanding the existing Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) and adding additional stimulus programs in an attempt to lay some traction to the most troubled sectors of the US economy.

Travis L. Mullaney

Arent Fox International Trade Group Partner Marwa Hassoun and Government Contracts Group Counsel Travis Mullaney chat about Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act.

Henry Morris, Jr., Robert K. Carrol

On January 6, the US Department of Labor announced a final rule, aimed at clarifying the distinction, under the FLSA, between employees and independent contractors.

Anthony V. Lupo, Matthew R. Mills, Dan Jasnow

In March 2020, photographer Michael Barret Boesen filed suit against the owner of sports news website, claiming that the website infringed on his copyrights by embedding an Instagram post featuring his photograph of tennis player Caroline Wozniacki.

Jill A. Steinberg

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a Final Rule in the Federal Register on December 2, 2020, overhauling the regulations governing the federal Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark Law).

Malcolm S. McNeil, Gus N. Paras

AFC Gamma’s SEC filing illustrates the importance of proper risk assessment and adequate risk factor disclosures to investors in the rapidly-shifting regulatory landscape of cannabis production, sales, and lending.

D. Jacques Smith, Randall A. Brater, Michael F. Dearington

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit recently analyzed whether and to what extent a relator can survive the False Claims Act’s public disclosure bar when the relator alleges continuation of a fraud scheme.

Adam D. Bowser, Jeffrey E. Rummel

On January 6, 2021, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) location requirements go into effect for fixed multi-line telephone systems (MLTS) and interconnected VoIP services, which now include outbound-only VoIP services for purposes of emergency calling.

David R. Hamill, Matthew Nolan, Nancy A. Noonan, Diana Dimitriuc Quaia, Birgit Matthiesen, Travis L. Mullaney, Sylvia G. Costelloe, Jessica DiPietro, Antonio J. Rivera, Leah Scarpelli, Robert E. Shervette, IV

Looking towards 2021 and a new Administration, Arent Fox’s International Trade & Investment group has prepared a series of primers on six key areas that can impact your business.

David R. Hamill, Birgit Matthiesen, Sylvia G. Costelloe, Antonio J. Rivera, Leah Scarpelli, Robert E. Shervette, IV

US tariffs are applied at the time of import and so the elevated role played by US Customs and Border Protection should not be underestimated.

Adam Diederich, Allison K. Pfeifle, Kirstie Brenson

2020 was an unprecedented year for business owners. It brought a pandemic, a deep recession, a civil rights movement, and civil unrest in cities across America.

Jessica DiPietro, Leah Scarpelli

Since trade policy almost always involves the application of tariffs, we begin with “China Tariffs – What to Expect from the Biden Administration,” an issue top of mind for many executives who have business interests in China and the United States.

Diana Dimitriuc Quaia, Antonio J. Rivera

Our final section returns to trade policy with three narrower but equally important articles – the first in regard to US renewal of GSP benefits and the tension between the Biden administration’s promise to protect US workers while achieving climate goals.

David R. Hamill, Matthew Nolan, Birgit Matthiesen, Jessica DiPietro, Antonio J. Rivera

This is Washington and so we start and end with US trade policy. Our team is tracking the Biden Transition, starting with the introduction of Katherine Tai, nominee for the next US Trade Representative.

The Final Rule of the Stark Law revises the definitions of Fair Market Value and includes a definition of General Market Value to better align with actual practices without unduly restricting innovative relationships between physicians and entities providing designated health services.

Travis L. Mullaney, Sylvia G. Costelloe

Turning to the business of exports from the United States, the next section is a must-read for any company doing business in the United States or from the United States.

Michael L. Stevens, Henry Morris, Jr.

On December 31, 2020, the Administrator of the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division issued an opinion letter addressing whether certain travel time that occurs on a partial telework day is compensable under the FLSA. Opinion Letter FLSA2020-19 (December 31, 2020).

Nancy A. Noonan, Diana Dimitriuc Quaia, Jessica DiPietro

When imports are suspected of violating US trade law or when they threaten US economic interests, trade litigation (read: trade investigation cases) kicks in. This section focuses on third-country transshipment concerns in the article “Using Third Country Components? Buyer Beware.”

Emily Cowley Leongini, Lynn R. Fiorentino

In our first Cannabis Counsel Cast episode, Partners Emily Leongini and Lynn Fiorentino discuss the potential impact of California’s Prop. 65 on manufacturers, distributors, and sellers of cannabis products, particularly in light of the January 4, 2021 enforcement date for new THC and marijuana smok

Anthony V. Lupo, Matthew R. Mills, Dan Jasnow

In September 2018, a consumer filed a putative class action in California against Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. The consumer alleged that the company is participating in deceptive business practices by marketing, advertising, and selling single-serve coffee pods that are misleadingly labeled as “recyc

Stephanie Trunk

On December 28, 2020, Judge Vince Chhabria of the US District Court for the Northern District of California joined Judge Catherine Blake of the US District Court of the District of Maryland in enjoining the application of the Medicare Part B Most Favored Nations Reimbursement Rule.

Stephanie Trunk

On December 23, 2020, Judge Catherine Blake of the US District Court for the District of Maryland put in place a 14-day restraining order while she considers whether to issue a preliminary injunction. She plans to consider whether the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services rulemaking was adequate

Henry Morris, Jr., Michael L. Stevens

In a major setback for the Trump administration, US District Court Judge Beth Labson Freeman, of the US District Court for the Northern District of California, issued a nationwide injunction.

Sylvia G. Costelloe

On December 18, President Trump signed into law the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act, which aims to increase oversight of Chinese companies listed on US stock exchanges and force the delisting of those that refuse to comply with US audit inspection requirements.

Henry Morris, Jr., Michael L. Stevens, Linda M. Jackson

After months of debate, Congress has passed, and President Trump is expected to sign, a COVID-19 relief, appropriations, and tax bill. Doubtlessly, the Bill, which is nearly 6,000 pages long, will undergo much scrutiny and analysis over the ensuing days and weeks.