Auto Intel: Defending DMV and DA Late Title Investigations and Claims

In this episode, Aaron H. Jacoby, who leads AFS Automotive, and Franjo M. Dolenac explore challenges dealerships face with the onslaught of DMV investigations into late title and registration transfers and resulting administrative, civil, and criminal actions.


They discuss litigation strategies, best practices for dealerships during investigations and litigation, and the potential repercussions of settlement agreements. 

Highlights of the conversation include: 

  • DMV responsibility for backlogs during pandemic shutdowns.
  • Post-pandemic review of DMV backlogs leading to investigations of dealers for late title and registration transfers.
  • Administrative, civil, and criminal claims asserted.
  • The importance of cooperation within limits to protect dealers’ rights.
  • Subpoena or search warrant requirements for dealer business records.
  • Avoiding admissions of liability and probation in any resolution.


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