In March 2020, Health Care Partner Anne Murphy published an article in AHLA Weekly on compliance considerations when closing a hospital.

In March 2020, FDA Associate Emily Leongini was quoted in Hemp Industry Daily regarding statements made by the Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Stephen Hahn regarding CBD.

Arent Fox Partner Jim Davis was recently quoted in a World Trademark Review article titled “How the SHOP SAFE Act might change the ecommerce counterfeiting liability landscape.”

AF International Co-Leader and Litigation Partner Malcolm McNeil was recently quoted in Marijuana Business Magazine in an article titled “Cash Cow”. The article addresses the current trend of large multistate marijuana companies wanting to turn their real estate into quick cash, providing a valuable

Partner Julie Stahr was quoted on the Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, which legalized and regulated the production, sale, and consumption of cannabis in the state of Illinois.

Arent Fox Intellectual Property Partner Marylee Jenkins has served as a member of the Patent Public Advisory Committee for the US Patent and Trademark Office since January 2013 and as Chair since December 2016.

Biosimilars Patent and Antitrust Perspectives Virtual Panel

Meet our associates who manage the operations and scheduling for the Schiff-CVLS neighborhood clinic. Learn more about their rewarding experiences and the power of pro bono in this brief Q&A.

Arent Fox Government Enforcement & White Collar Partner Michelle J. Shapiro was featured on the Great Women in Compliance podcast with Mary Shirley.

Arent Fox Associate Emily Leongini was quoted in the Marijuana Business Magazine article, “Protecting Your Company in a Crisis,” published on November 1, 2019.

In January 2018, Partner Les Jacobowitz spoke with Reuters after the Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority filed an objection to Citigroup Inc.’s proposed $130 million settlement of a class action.

Schiff Partner Paul Dengel reflects back on founding the first firm-adopted CVLS neighborhood clinic – from how it all began in the early years to the reason why it remains strong 40 years later.

Caitlin Ajax is an environmental lawyer with an active pro bono practice who was recently recognized with the Chicago Volunteer Legal Services (CVLS) 2019 Distinguished Service Award for her generous pro bono contributions and extensive commitment to addressing injustices on behalf of CVLS clients.

The Washingtonian magazine has once again selected Arent Fox Firmwide Managing Partner Cristina A. Carvalho to its list of the “Most Powerful Women in Washington.”

Associate Eva Pulliam recently wrote the article, “CCPA’s Potential Impact in the Automotive Space,” that was published in The Privacy Advisor on October 1, 2019.