Schiff Hardin Secures Probationary Sentence for Chicago Corporate Executive
Schiff Hardin secured a probationary sentence for a former Amtrak official who pleaded guilty in October 2017 to steering business to his wife’s company and making false statements.
The client, represented by Partner William Ziegelmueller, faced time in prison, which the judge was inclined to impose. Ziegelmueller persuaded the judge that even a short prison term would cost the client the job he had obtained after his termination and preclude him from supporting his family. The judge ultimately required the client to serve three months in a community confinement facility, during which time he will be able to work.
Ziegelmueller told the judge that the client, who is currently employed in an hourly retail position, was being considered for a promotion to a salaried position. The judge noted that he did not want the sentence to cost the client a second job, since the client’s conviction had cost him the first.
Courtney Thompson, Marketing Communications Manager
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