Anti-Corruption & FCPA
Our Anti-Corruption and FCPA team represents clients in matters around the world. Two former United States Attorneys. A former State Department Official and Presidential Envoy. Scores of former prosecutors and talented attorneys who have spent their professional lives negotiating multi-faceted cross-border problems throughout in the world.
We Find the Needle in the Haystack
You Get Ahead of the Problem
In just the last five years, ArentFox Schiff has handled anti-corruption investigations and compliance issues in more than 70 countries. Our team speaks and reads over 25 languages. We can tell you if bribes are being paid, to whom and where – efficiently, with an eye on your bottom line.
Armed with that information, we can help you create or strengthen your global anti-corruption compliance program so that it meets and exceeds the toughest standards set forth by the world’s strictest enforcement agencies.
And if those same enforcement agencies ever drop subpoenas, issue search warrants or knock-on-your door, our team is ready to help you navigate the storm.
How We Help
- Cross-border Investigations
- Pre-Closing Merger Due Diligence
- Shadow Investigations for Boards and Audit Committees
- Subpoena Compliance and Government Negotiations
- Gold Standard Anti-Corruption Compliance Programs
- Live Training for Boards, C-Suite Executives, Employees, and Agents
- Defense of Corporations and Individuals Charged with Civil and/or Criminal Violations